If you are searching online for “how to solve elevator problems,” then this post is for you! This piece will go over some of the most common elevator issues in the year 2021, and how to fix them. Whether it is a misaligned motor drive or a simple power failure, we’ve got you covered!
Elevator Power Failure
It goes without explanation that elevators need a ton of power to operate properly. Whenever the system’s voltage is upgraded, the elevator’s motor operation can be impacted, sometimes leading to damage. Any elevator with a history of problems or power failures should have a power quality survey conducted. Infrared thermography can measure any drastic temperature changes, which can be responsible for potential system failures. Common issues such as under or over voltage can be easily detected through power quality surveys.
Over time, the elevator will experience the typical wear and tear. When wear begins, small metal particles can be released into the oil. This can interfere with the operating functions of the elevator system. Use of an improper lubrication can also lead to contamination within the system. The simple solution here is to conduct an oil analysis to check for different materials which can cause contamination or wear on the motor.
Worn Sheaves
Worn sheaves puts extra wear on the ropes, which will only result in even more wear over time. Replace or regroove the sheaves to prevent hoist rope failures. Have an elevator professional inspect and ensure the proper fit between the sheave and ropes. Readily available tools that utilize magnetic standards with a straight edge can be used to visually check the sheave grooves.
Elevator Overheating
The odds that an elevator breaks down increase during the hotter, summer months. The drives and/or control systems may not cool down quickly or efficiently during this time.
Misaligned Motor Drive
Shaft alignment is crucial when coupling an electric motor with a separate piece of equipment or machinery. When not properly aligned, motor bearings can wear down. Advanced laser measuring equipment will detect when a shaft is properly or misaligned.
Elevator Waiting Time
An elevator that has been used for several years will become less and less efficient over time, this pertains to waiting time, as well. Relays eventually wear down and perform tasks at a slower rate. An experienced elevator technician can inspect the relays and prepare for a replacement.
Do You Need Elevator Services In Arizona?
Arizona Elevator Solutions is your go to elevator specialists that can handle anything from elevator repair and maintenance to elevator modernization and upgrades. Get a free elevator modernization quote from Arizona Elevator Solutions today! We also offer elevator services in Colorado.